Automate the detection and response of malicious events on the endpoint
Siemplify Security Orchestrations, Automation & Response is an intuitive, holistic workbench that makes your security operations smarter, more efficient and more effective. By combining security orchestration, automation and response (SOAR) with context-driven case management, investigation, and machine learning, your analysts are more productive, security engineers are more effective, and managers are more informed about SOC performance.
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Slash investigation time and effort
Execute playbooks that automate data collection using CrowdStrike Falcon® telemetry to limit the amount of time spent manually cross-referencing information.
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Remediate threats with a few clicks
Implement immediate remediation actions without having to pivot between systems.
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Unify case management
Ingest CrowdStrike® alerts directly into the Siemplify platform to automatically group related alerts into threat-centric cases to expedite threat response.