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Discern Security AI Policy Management

Discern Security

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About Discern Security’s AI policy management

Discern Security empowers you to assess your security controls, and map them to standards like MITRE and Center for Internet Security (CIS), to then optimize your overall coverage.    With Discern and CrowdStrike, you can seamlessly map  the CrowdStrike Falcon® platform’s active controls and risk data to MITRE or CIS frameworks, and see which controls should be turned on based on your organization’s risk profile, helping you harden your security posture against modern threats.

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    Assess your security coverage

    Map your security controls, including the Falcon platform, to MITRE and other standards in real time to improve your security posture

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    Optimize your controls

    Score your CrowdStrike deployment and get insights on specific control improvements, including policies that can be turned on to boost overall threat coverage

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    Measure security program progress

    Gain visibility into the success and outcomes of your security program with intuitive scores and tangible improvement metrics within the Discern platform

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