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  • Google Chronicle Indicators of Compromise for Falcon LogScale
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Google Chronicle Indicators of Compromise for Falcon LogScale

Google Cloud

Chronicle indicators of compromise (IOC) log package

Easily ingest, store, and visualize Chronicle indicator of compromise (IOC) logs in CrowdStrike Falcon® LogScale leveraging a pre-built package to gain valuable security insights and improved visibility for enhanced threat detection and response. The package allows your team to package easily ingest, parse, and visualize IOC data from the Chronicle Search API in Falcon LogScale. Seamlessly view Chronicle IOCs by domain name, severity, source, and category, and also visualize the most recent IOCs and IOC activity over time to more quickly see and stop potential threats.

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    Ingest and store data with ease

    Enable the pre-built Chronicle IOC package for Falcon LogScale to seamlessly ingest, store, and visualize indicators of compromise for enhanced visibility and threat hunting.

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    Visualize your data

    Unify visibility and easily monitor IOC activity with dashboards and views for domain name, severity, source, category, the most recent IOCs, and IOC activity over time.

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